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(feature) Kings Island Thinking

normal: Average School Day for Evan

Written by evan on September 20, 2005


As you can read (if you can read) this is an average school day for me... Evan!

It Simply begins in my darkened room where i cant see much of anything as you can see...
I then get up out of bed and woozily look around...Spongebob greets me as I turn on the light...

And look at my feet...
My feet...

So then we have the long commute to school after going through Scott High School Traffic then through traffic on the highway, I somehow get to school on time...

I race up to my locker and retrieve the items needed for my first class...

Then I walk into homeroom to greet my fellow classmates...

Davies and Connor...


So after homeroom i go to Art where we have Power Mac G3s w00t!

Then I go to Algebra II and learn interesting stuff... ZzZzZzZzZzZz... But I did take one really interesting Picture...
That is Chris... He is very silly...

I then move onto Spanish which is always a great time! My camera was confiscated in this class but not before Mr. Furnish took some pics for me (he has the same camera)...
That's Joe on the left... He wants to rule the world...

Then we go to Biology!! Hooray! Where I took this pic...
That's Brad... He is a mad person...

B (short for Brian) of course needed a manly picture showing off his masculinity...
Ladies he is open from what i hear... you know you want him...

I also took a pic of the great Sticker you can buy at our store!

Then there is World History which is fun because we learn from a smartboard pictured here...

There is also a huge map that takes up almost the whole wall on one side of the room!

So then somes the best time of the day.... LUNCH!!! Today was lunch of the month where i was forced to eat disgusting Domino's but the pictures here were priceless...
Here is the best pic of Joe i could get... This is the man intent on World Domination

That's Chris' toungue...

This is a person who did not want to be on our site... so i did this legally by barring his face so the identity of this person could not be known... his nickname is Beans...

So there you are... I leave you with a picture of Brad thinking very hard...