geeky: Idle @ Mcdonald's & Idle Geeks Conception Written by nathan on August 20, 2005 |
Okay guys, this is it. This is the story that has been put off for such a long time. This is Idle @ McDonald's, and the story of the conception of Idle Geeks.
First, let me fill you in on when this was. It was June 13, 2005. Yes, that was over 2 months ago. Well, let's get on with Idle @ McDonald's.
Evan had acquired four tickets for a Florence Freedom baseball game, due to his job at Snappy's, an official sponsor of the team.
As you may know, neither of us are very "YAHOO!" about baseball, or sports in general. But, we really really really love free stuff. So, we went. Evan also invited Taylor and Meghan.
Evan arrived at my house to pick me up, and I scrambled to get a decent charge into my iPod, because I wanted to enter the photo contest at iPod Lounge. I got about 5% power into it, while I stalled.
So, we left. We picked up Meghan and headed off to Florence. We got in to the baseball game, found our second-row seats and sat. Taylor grabbed a hot dog and ate it.
They forced me to move up a row to the empty seats in the first row. I didn't want to. We got away with it for perhaps a half an hour, but then we got kicked out of the seats. Pshhhh..
So then I started taking photos for the iPod Lounge contest.
And I kept going..
I also got some with the sunset in them.
And some with the iPod in the cupholder.
But I ended up submitting this one, with massive appraise from Evan's mom.
Later that night, we decided to head down to Wendy's to get something to eat. So we started walking.
I think I blinded some drivers.
But Evan was happy . . .
. . . and Taylor was psycho.
And Evan started carrying Meghan, I don't even know what was up with that, but I snapped it with this here camera thing.
When we got to the very wide multi-lane highway, Evan dared and crossed before us.
Ohh Dangerous man
But eventually we got to Wendy's. THEY WERE CLOSED!!!! We were furious, but we ended up going to McDonald's. Meghan and Taylor were party poopers and did not eat. Grr.
After eating I called my mom and Taylor's rather crappy phone, and she said that she'd be right down. By that time it was 10:20 PM. We walked outside and waited.
Evan studied the McDonald's sign.
And so did everyone else.
Evan was very happy to be at his favorite place at 10:39 PM.
Meghan studied the sign from a closer angle, and Evan's brain suddenly activated.
And Taylor got in a friggen' tree. Do. Not. Ask.
I also grabbed this very famous photo of Evan. We love it.
By this time (10:42 PM) Evan and I had decided that we should start up a website similar to AllTooFlat.com but with our own geeky experiences. This later became Idle Geeks, and we launched a few weeks later.
Oh, did I mention that Evan did this weird thing?
By 10:57 PM we were all tired of waiting, and Meghan was grounded. Poo.
But we finally got picked up.
Another famous shot of Evan
Picked up by my brother.. We had to fit four people in the back seat of a 2005 Honda Accord. This was not only illegal, it was disgustingly uncomfortable.
But I got home by midnight. And that was the story of Idle Geeks' conception, and our grand story of Idle @ McDonald's. Thank you for reading, and I hope that you will all stick around.