boring: Frequently Asked Questions Written by nathan on July 21, 2005 |
Q: What?
A: What?
Q: What's RTFM mean?
Q: Why is Evan so large?
A: Why is Santa so large? It's a mystery, eh?
Q: Canada?
A: No, not really.
Q: MAC or Mac?
A: Both. They mean different things. Duh.
Q: rarw?
A: Don't ask!
Q: Where do you live?
A: Why should I tell you?
Q: How can I invite Nathan to a party?
A: Email him.
Q: Wheefizzle™?
A: Wheefizzle™!
Q: What's your shirt mean?
A: Look it up...
Q: You're kickass!
A: Schweet! You're kickass too!
Q: Can I donate?
A: Yes!! Paypal: cnat2004@fuse.net, Greenzap: nathan@nathanbolender.com
Q: Who hosts you?
A: ResellerZoom! w00t!
Q: What happens when you mix Pepsi and Coca-Cola?
A: Hmmm....
Q: asdf
Q: Bill Gates?
A: No. Please no.
Q: Can I Skype you guys?
A: Yup. Nathan, Evan.
Q: What elementary school did you guys go to?
A: That's a weird question. But here you go: Nathan went to R.C. Hinsdale Elementary and Evan went to Ft. Wright Elementary.
Q: What computers do you have?
A: Nathan has a 12" PowerBook 1.5GHz G4 SuperDrive with 1.25GB of RAM, plus a couple of (mostly unused) PCs. Evan has a 1.42GHz Mac mini Combo-Drive with 512MB of RAM.
Q: Do you guys have any friends?
A: Yes, in fact we have over ((2*(492/492))-1)/((6*-1)+7) friend(s)!
Q: Where can I find information about the cooling speed of various types of hotdogs?
A: I'm not sure, but you can figure it out yourself and come back to us with the answers. Thanks!